What: Unmasking Ourselves: Introductory Mask Workshop for Actors. Discover the many parts of you behind the mask to give yourself permission to play freely, breathe deeply, see from another angle, come into your physical self. When: March 23- April 27, 11:00am-1:00pm Where: Studio24, 433 Hawley Ave. SyracuseNY13203 Cost: $150.00 for 6 Saturdays. We will start with full neutral masks exploring breathing, and movement in silence, all in SLOW MOTION. Then we will use half masks exploring the addition of sound. Finally we will engage with Character Masks. How do we approach the mask? How do we breathe and see in the mask? How do we move in the mask? Mirroring with partners. Wear loose clothing in neutral colors. Guided by Gerard Moses Masking exercises will be accompanied by JT Lee drumming. "The mask is a terrible, mysterious instrument. It has always given me and continues to give me a feeling of fear. With the mask we are on the threshold of a theatrical mystery whose demons reappear with static, immutable faces, which are the very roots of theatre." Giorgio Strehler
Our third year celebration of Independence at the studio.
We are trying to explore the resonance of Freedoms and Rights in the current political climate of 2016. If you're looking for a unique and different kind of 4th of July, come and join us and tell your story. We have an original scene, some poems, some songs and personal stories. The more, the merrier. We're celebrating the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death.
Come join us for sonnets, scenes, songs from the Bard. At the end of the studio's ensemble performance, bring your own piece from Shakespeare to share with us. His works are still kicking and so are we who love them. Hope your New Year is more creative, healthy and joyous.
Studio24 will be closed until March 1, 2016. Much love to you all. Gerard & JT Studio24 Ensemble
presents a new show: FAKIN’ IT in the theatre Dreams and Found Objects in the gallery. Fakin’It is about actions centered around faking, lying, posing. Dreams and Found Objects features works of Marylou Colgin, Kathy Rabuzzi and JT Lee. When: Sat. Oct. 24, 7:30pm, Sun.Oct.25, 2:00pm Where: Studio24, 433 Hawley Ave., Syracuse,13203 Donation: $10.00 Talkback Sunday Oct.25 after the show. Questions: 315- 289-6613 www.studio24m.net
http://westbeth.org/wordpress/profiles-in-art/joyce-aaron-actordirectorteacher/ Hi friends, Joyce Aaron will talk at the studio Wednesday night at 7:00pm. Come celebrate with us. Please bring anyone who might be interested. Check the link above. All the best, Gerard, JT You're invited to play in a Studio24 workshop of Shakespeare for Actors, strictly on acting Shakespeare. The play: The Winter's Tale The times: 5 weeks, 2 hour sessions, Sundays 1:30 - 3:30pm, beginning Oct. 4, 11, 18, skip Oct. 25, Nov.1, 8. The place: Studio24 Read the play before the workshop begins and we'll work with selected scenes. Hope you'll let me know if you're interested ASAP. Fee: $150.00. All the best in this new season of apples, pumpkins and cinnamon grogs... Gerard Studio24 |
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